The basic working principle of our H2S Removal System, the Scrubber can be viewed as a caustic type of Hydrogen Sulphide Removal System in which the spent caustic solution is continuously regenerated in a bio reactor.
The scrubbing liquid containing the sulphide is directed to the bio reactor where the sulphide is oxidized by aerobic microorganisms, of the group of the colourless sulphur bacteria, into the elemental biosulphur.
From above equations the hydroxide used in the scrubber is regenerated in the biological step. The liquid entering the scrubber at the top is sulphide free, resulting in a high concentration difference between the gas & liquid phase. Consequently very high removal efficiencies, in excess of 99% can be easily obtained. The bleed stream consisting of sodium salts is sulphide free & can in most cases easily be discharged.
We have developed a nutrient feed as required for the microorganisms which perform the function separation of elemental Sulphur from the Hydrogen Sulphide contained in the gas.
From above equation the hydroxide used in the scrubber is regenerated in the biological step. The liquid entering the scrubber at the top is sulphide free, resulting in high concentration difference between the gas liquid phase. Consequently very high removal efficiencies, in excess of 99% can be easily obtained. The bleed stream consisting of sodium salts is sulphide free & can in most cases easily be discharged.
We have developed a nutrient feed as required for the microorganisms which perform the function separation of elemental sulphur from the Hydrogen Sulphide contained in the gas.
The Biogas Desulphuration system with added advantage of elemental sulphur is obtained as bi-product with purity of 80-90%. Sulphur has number of applications various industries, it is used as fertilizer directly or additive to the fertilizers.
It is also utilized in making the fire crackers. Its purity can be improved in the range of 95-99% by using the Sulphur smelting process. The sulphur with high purity has special applications in sugar and pharmaceutical industry.